The Pitfalls of Joint Ownership

Joint property, also known as joint tenancy, is nothing but an estate planning pitfall. Although joint tenancy has been assailed for years by many estate planning experts, it remains- unfortunately-a very popular form of property ownership. Joint tenancy is a pitfall because you cannot control where such property passes after your death. In joint tenancy, […]

Probate, What Is It and How To Avoid It

You may have heard that probate is somehow bad and that you should avoid it, but you aren’t sure why or how to avoid it. This article provides an overview of probate, the reasons many people want to avoid it, and ways to avoid probate. Probate is the legal process of validating a will and […]

Most Estate Plans Don’t Work!

It may come to a surprise to most people to hear an estate planning attorney admit that most estate plans don’t work.  In our experience, however, that is indeed the sad reality.  They “don’t work” because they fail to meet the expectations of planner.  That’s to say if the decedent could see what happened to […]